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The trial was part of PROteINSECT, a project headed by the Food and Environment Research Agency in the United Kingdom, started in February 2013. Emilie Devic, a scientist at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK, ran the trial. She’s studying black soldier fly larvae meal to determine if it’s a viable substitute for fishmeal. 

The Quarterly Report on Insects and PROteINSECT in the news

It's time to end the myth once and for all. The farms in children's books are history. Today's agriculture is increasingly industrial and only those who adapt will survive. In this episode we investigate the environmental effects of "mega farms". Are these large-scale enterprises more polluting than the smaller variety? The answer is not as obvious as one might think.

April 9th 2015

Tasty grub? The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has highlighted the nutritional value of insects and the benefits insect farming could have on the environment and on addressing the demand for food worldwide. File photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

The Quarterly Report on Insects and PROteINSECT in the news

March 20th 2015

Over 70% of consumers would eat fish, chicken or pork from animals fed on a diet containing insect protein, earlier studies revealed. The EU funded project PROteINSECT is now asking EU consumers again if they are accepting animal products that ate insect protein.

March 17th 2015 

El asunto que se va a tratar mañana miércoles en la Universidad de Alicante (UA) no es un simple tema curioso o que genere un titular llamativo y más o menos recurrente. Un grupo de expertos de relevancia internacional se reúne en el campus alicantino para participar en la jornada ‘Los insectos como fuente sostenible de proteínas en la alimentación animal y la nutrición humana’.

Feb. 10th 2015 

Der Markt für Nahrungsmittel aus Insekten wächst. Nun hat die EU ein Regelwerk verfasst, um die Rechte der sechsbeinigen Tiere und die Hygiene-Standards für die zahlreichen Insekten-Farmen zu vereinheitlichen.

August 20th 2014
As the world grows hungrier for animal protein, insects could be the new way to feed livestock

August 19th 2014

This whitepaper contains valuable information on the advantages and disadvantages of insects in animal feed. It also gives you a clear view on the current legislations and the changes that need to be made. Why are insects not allowed in animal feed?

August 1st 2014

As the world’s food and protein shortages increase scientists and economists say that including insects in our diet is the answer. Nick Harding tries them

May 28th 2014

Forscher suchen nach Wegen, wie man Insekten möglichst effizient züchten kann, um sie zu Viehfutter zu verarbeiten - Das hätte mehrere Vorteile: Maden sind billig, und sie können mit Abfall gefüttert werdenWien - Fliegen fressen alles, und sie fressen immer: Gammelfleisch, Hühnermist, verrottendes Obst. Täglich nehmen sie das Doppelte ihres Körpergewichts zu sich.

May 20th 2014

Deep within a sprawling hi-tech government research complex, there’s a room that looks like something out of a horror movie.

The cramped, humid lab is lined with white tents containing thousands of buzzing flies. The stench is stomach-churning.

May 16th 2014

Results from a survey carried out by the EU-funded PROteINSECT, show consumers want more information on the potential use of insects as a protein source in animal feed.

May 14th 2014

Results of a European survey show consumers want more information on the potential use of insects as a protein source in animal feed.

14 February 2014

Keys to understand the still very unlikely Insects’ single market

The demand for food is growing, in parallel to the increase in the global population and the expansion of the middle class in emerging economic and demographic potencies. As a result of that, meat consumption has increased 20 fold over the past 40 years. This trend is expected to accentuate, as it is estimated that, by 2030, there will be around 9 billion human beings on our small planet. How can food security be ensured in these circumstances?

A pig requires a total of 45 kg of protein during its lifetime

House fly larvae meal has a reported protein content of 37.5 -63.1%